Dogs are a major responsibility for their owners. In addition to basics such as food, water and shelter, dogs often need professional grooming services. They require regular veterinary care. They also need exercise and training.
Dog owners often need to fence in their yards or take other steps to ensure that their animals do not become a hazard to others. Even dogs trained to help defend homes need to be restrained so that they do not pose a threat to people in the neighborhood. When dogs get loose or when they become aggressive toward visitors at a home, the people attacked can sustain major injuries. Dog bite attacks can break bones, cause disfiguring scars and traumatize people. Dog bites can also result in significant infections when people do not receive appropriate medical care after an attack.
Who is typically liable for the damages caused when a dog becomes aggressive?
Dog bites often lead to premises liability
Dog bite attacks are among the various types of incidents that can lead to premises liability claims. Typically, people pursue compensation from the dog’s owner. Florida has a strict liability statute for owners of dogs who attack people.
Canine owners who fail to properly train or restrain their animals are responsible for the harm their animals cause others. Even if the attack does not occur at their property but rather in the street because the dog jumped the fence or at a park, the animal’s owner is usually liable for the damages they generate when they attack humans.
Frequently, people seeking compensation for a dog bite incident can obtain compensation from a homeowners or renters insurance policy. Occasionally, when people do not have the necessary insurance or when the losses are expensive, a lawsuit may be necessary to hold the animal’s owner accountable.
People injured by aggressive dogs can request compensation for their medical expenses, property damage losses and lost wages if their injuries force them to take time away from work or reduce their earning potential. Holding an animal’s owner accountable often begins by quantifying the extent of the damage the animal attack caused. Reviewing a dog bite case at length with a skilled legal team can help an injured person or the parents of an injured child demand accountability from an aggressive animal’s owner.